Ruddick Home

Riu Palace

Hidden Worlds

Xpu-Ha Palace Check-In

Xpu-Ha Palace Room-Inside

Ruddick Home

Riu Palace

Hidden Worlds

Xpu-Ha Palace Check-In

Xpu-Ha Palace Room-Inside

Xpu-Ha Palace Room-Outside View

Xpu-Ha Lobby

Xpu-Ha beach

Other Xpu-Ha

Xpu-Ha Cenote

Aventura Palace

Xpu-Ha Lobby

Nightly Entertainment
They were just putting the finishing touches on the theatre when we left. It is awesome and people lucky enough to have a room overlooking it will love sitting on their patio and enjoying the shows. We enjoyed our shows in the lobby which is also very lovely. They supplied plenty of drinks and wonderful appetizers.

Lobby at Night
Entrance to Lobby coming from Check-in area

Nightly Show
These were professional dancers with beautiful costumes. The men would definitely love this show.
Nightly Show
More beautiful costumes. I think this was part of the Mexican act. Hard to remember which show the picture came from.

Maya Show
Nightly Show

Lobby Seating
They had wondeful built in couches surround a good portion of the lobby. The bar, other seating areas, and the appetizers were on the opposite side from where the entertainment and band were.
Lobby at Night
This is looking out of the Lobby towards the path leading from the road where you can catch a tram.

A band played every night after the entertainmenent. I would imagine that this band will play in the lobby in the evenings and the entertainment will be in the theatre.

Lobby Celing
I'm afraid this picture doesn't do it justice. It is enlaid with tiny colored lights.